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Large Rivers: Long Term Basins Evolution, Morphodynamics, and Global Change
IGCP 582-Tropical Rivers organize session in the 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, Leeds, UK, 14-19 July, 2013.
For submissions contact Rajiv Sinha (rsinha@iitk.ac.in) or Edgardo Latrubesse (latrubesse@austin.utexas.edu)
See details of the meeting in http://www.icfs10.co.uk/scientific/sections/scientific_hot_a.html
In the name of the the IGCP 582 Unesco project and the scientific committee of the International Association of Geomorphologists-IAG, Tropical Rivers working Group we are very pleased to invite you to participate of our special session on Geomorphology of Tropical Rivers that will take place at the 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology August, 27th to 31st, 2013, Paris, France. |
Our IGCP 582 Session S24A - Tropical Rivers: Hydro-Physical Processes, Impacts, Hazards and Management (IGCP 582 and IAG Working Group on Tropical rivers)
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Convenors: Edgardo LATRUBESSE, Jose C. STEVAUX and Rajiv SINHA
Contact: latrubesse@austin.utexas.edu - josecstevaux@gmail.com - rsinha@iitk.ac.in |
The overall scope of the IGCP Unesco 582 project Hydro-Physical Processes, Impacts, Hazards and Management and the working group Tropical rivers of IAG is to provide an integrated assessment of long-term direct impacts of climate variability and human-induced change and management of tropical rivers basins by identification, quantification and modeling of key hydro-geomorphologic indicators during the past and present times. The potential impacts of global change on fluvial systems and of their socio-economic implications and flood hazards are also analyzed. Several of the largest and many of the most vulnerable rivers of the world are located in the equatorial and monsoonal region as well as some of the most active areas of fluvial sedimentation and erosion of the planet.
We welcome in this session contributions on the Quaternary history, morphodynamics, hydro-geomorphology, hazards and management of tropical rivers |
Anual Report 2010, see here!
systems are considered as the economic engine in tropical regions;
they have a central role in electricity production, and sustain
the bulk of agricultural production and other high-value economical
activities based on natural resources extraction (mining, fishing,
timber). At the same time they can also be drivers of natural
disasters such as floods, bank erosion and rapid channel migration.

The overall scope of this project is to provide an integrated
assessment of long-term direct impacts of climate variability
and human-induced change and management of tropical rivers basins
by identification, quantification and modeling of key hydro-geomorphologic
indicators during the past and present times. The potential impacts
of global change on fluvial systems and of their socio-economic
implications will also be analyzed.