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International Union of Geological Sciences






  • Symposiums, field conferences, workshops and training activities

Course: Fluvial Geomorphology with Emphasis on Large Alluvial Systems, given by Professor Edgardo Latrubesse and Carlos Ramonel, in 6th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morhodynamics (RCEM), in Santa Fé city (Argentina).

This intensive course was based over 4 days, 5 one hour lectures on the following specific topics, and 12 hours of field work on:

• Fluvial basin: a fundamental unit in geomorphology. Erosion, transport and runoff, as a changing variable from geological time scale to historical time. The organization of fluvial networks in time and space at a global scale.
• Routing of sediments: sources and sinks. Morphotectonic settings, climate and sediment production. The role of mega-alluvial traps in foreland basins and other
geological settings.
• Channel patterns: classification, discrimination of channel patterns. Channel morpho-dynamics and landforms.
• Floodplains: classification systems, sedimentary architecture and facies models. Floodplain as an archive of fluvial history. Paleohydrological reconstructions.
• River engineering and geomorphology. Geomorphologic responses to the impact by dams, bridges, dredging and others.
• Environmental fluvial geomorphology: techniques and methods to assess direct and indirect impacts such as deforestation and mining. Flood hazards. Applied geomorphology to environmental projects, river ecology, river restoration. Quantification of budgets of erosion and deposition.






Developed by CREMON, É. H.
IGCP - 582/ 2009